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Aerial Surveys Based in The UK | Drone Services Dorset

Aerial Surveys

Aerial surveys are ideal for projects where large areas are to be surveyed in a short space of time or for sites which have limited or no safe access. The high-resolution imagery captured by our UAV system can be used to produce 2D and 3D deliverables which include topographical surveys, roof plans, orthomosaic images, orthophotos, point clouds as well as aerial photography and video. You can view examples of successful aerial surveys on our Youtube Channel.

Venues, Concerts and FestivalsWhat is an Aerial Survey?

The simple definition of an aerial survey is that it is a method of collecting information by utilising aerial photography or remote sensing technology using other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared, gamma ray or ultraviolet.

The more in-depth definition is that an aerial survey is a geomatics method of collecting information by using aerial photography, LiDAR or remote sensing imagery using other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, including infrared, gamma, and ultraviolet. Additionally, an aerial survey can also mean a chart or map made by analysing a region from an aerial point of view.
These aerial surveys are typically carried out by drones, aeroplanes, helicopters, UAVs like the InView Unmanned Aircraft System or, historically, done with balloons. There is a distinguishment between aerial surveys and satellite imagery technologies, this is because aerial surveys have better resolution, quality and atmospheric conditions.

Nowadays, aerial survey is often looked at as a synonym for aerophotogrammetry, which is the part of photogrammetry where the camera is placed in the air. Measurements on aerial images are provided by photogrammetric technologies and methods. Aerial surveys can provide information on many things not visible from the ground. You can find information about other types of aerial drone surveys at the bottom of the page.

What are the benefits of Aerial Surveys

The usage of drones for surveying purposes is increasing and becoming increasingly popular in numerous different sectors. This surge in drone usage for aerial surveys is likely thanks to relatively recent advances in technology, leading surveying professionals to rely on drones to carry out a variety of different surveying tasks, from ultra-high definition imagery to line-of-sight and condition surveys. With this in mind, here are 5 of the primary benefits of using drones for aerial surveys:

• Aerial Survey’s have improved Accuracy

Speedy improvements in UAV, drone and camera technology over the recent decade, has enabled drones to utilise cameras that can record up to 5.2k resolution images and video. The increased pixel density makes sure that the overall accuracy of aerial surveys is maximised. Alongside this, new stabilisation techniques allow drones to capture ultra-high definition images in challenging weather conditions. With GPS increasing in prevalence and reliability, especially when real-time kinematic (RTK) is incorporated into some drones’ software to improve their accuracy. Overall, accuracy is one of the drone’s strongest benefits for aerial surveys, especially when the accuracy is combined with other innate advantages. Drones become a very attractive option for anyone wishing to carry out an aerial survey.

• Drone aerial surveys are ideal for health and safety

Drones are ideal tools to capture data in dangerous, compromised or sensitive environments, this is because having an unmanned vehicle such as a drone to do aerial surveys reduces the risk to the surveying professional piloting the drone, other workers and the public. In addition to this, all the data can easily be captured from the air, mitigating the risk to human surveyors. As a result of health and safety being less of a concern for aerial surveys, it allows reduced planning time and negates the need for health and safety considerations, providing a quicker turnaround for the whole project.

aerial survey at sea
aerial survey of hills
• Drone aerial surveys allow access to hard to reach places

Due to the innate nature of aerial surveys, drones make it much easier than ever before to access hard to reach locations. Using either a pre planned flight path or an experienced pilot, drones can access masts, roofs, towers, wind turbines and tall buildings with ease and with excellent results. The drone’s 30x zoom and remote access enable the thorough inspection of any subject.

• Using aerial drone surveys is time effective

Due to the flexibility of drones, aerial surveys on large areas of land can be covered in a very short amount of time, when compared to manual surveys. This is the case even more so when utilising pre planned flightpaths, with them contributing to the speed an aerial drone survey can be completed in. This reduces the time taken to gather data with the aerial survey from initial planning, through to the final data processing and end product delivery. This time saved through aerial surveys ensures customer satisfaction in time-sensitive projects

• Aerial surveys are cost-effective and efficient

Aerial drone surveys offer relatively low overheads and significantly reduced costs when compared to terrestrial, light aircraft and helicopter surveys, using drones for aerial surveys opens new doors in regards to what is possible and affordable within the aerial survey industry. Drone aerial surveys can achieve things that were typically never possible without huge costs, but now operational considerations are well within the reach of today’s surveying professionals. This is largely down to the relatively affordable and increasingly accurate output of aerial survey drones

Additional Information on our Drone Services

Aerial Surveys
Our drone’s HD video capability and mobility ensure that we get the best end product for our aerial drone surveys, and our experienced drone pilots ensure that the drone is positioned perfectly to provide the perfect end product.
Commercial Drone Surveys and Inspections
Beneficial in situations such as building sites, we carry out drone inspections and commercial drone surveys to assess if an area is safe or collect visual data about the condition of an asset, without putting anyone at risk.
Drone Insurance Surveys
Hard to access locations can be accessed easily and due to our drone insurance surveys our drones can assess the risk and collect data used to decide insurance claims quicker and safer.
Venues, Concerts and Festivals
We have vast experience monitoring venues, parties and festivals for security purposes. Our drones can monitor everyone from a Birdseye view and make sure everyone stays safe and report any incidents that might lead to harm.
Drone Services Dorset Company Logo

Areas we cover:

Covering all areas of Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch, Dorset, South Wales, Hampshire & Surrey,